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Renco at MIND Milano

2022 - 2024
Renco has won the tender for the definitive and executive design and for the construction of Lot 1.1 of the MIND Milano Innovation District West Gate (former Expo site) in Milan, in the context of the selection procedure for the general contractors of the Renaissance 1 lot by Australian fund Lendlease. The multi-year investment will involve an area covering million square metres.
New Acquisitions

The overall investment making up the tender, relative to the West Gate area alone, amounts to 290 million Euro, divided into two batches. Renco was entrusted with the building of the second lot for 40 million Euro that includes Hub, an iconic building, plus a hotel, a residence, a multi-storey parking lot and two office blocks. It is a highly prestigious tender which saw the participation of Italy’s leading construction companies.

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The Hub of the Milano Innovation District which Renco will design and build

In the context of the international selection of partners for the construction of MIND, Australian fund Lendlease identified Renco for its engineering excellence, especially for its ability to work according to the most renowned international safety standards and for the quality of its commitment to environmental, social and economic sustainability.