Corporate governance
The company policy prescribes the rigorous application to the entire organisational structure of the various procedures adopted, in accordance with all national and international regulations of the countries where the Group operates and consistently with the company’s Code of Ethics.
The governance system
Renco has always conformed its governance system and the running of all its activities to the principles of loyalty, fairness, transparency, honesty and integrity, consistently with the national and foreign laws, regulations, binding requirements and international standards and guidelines. In this regard, Renco has drawn up an Organisational and Management Model and a Compliance Programme. With the aid of qualified and specialised consultants, Renco rigorously assesses the risks associated with the various activities conducted and has defined its own Code of Ethics and internal procedures to prevent possible breaches to the rules and principles it adheres to. The principles underlying Renco’s management system are observed, shared and applied by all company bodies.
Renco’s shareholders have laid out the guidelines for running the company’s activities, while underlining the importance of observing the rules and ethics principles. They then defined the general rules to which all people operating in the company are subject.
The Board of Directors approves the Code of Ethics which is an official Renco document. It contains the principles and rules of behaviour that the company acknowledges for the running of its activities. In line with the “zero tolerance” approach to corruption and corporate crimes, the Renco Code of Ethics and Conformity Programme, which must be fully applied by Renco personnel, reflect the company’s commitment in upholding the principles introduced by the anti-corruption laws and by the relative international best practices. The BoD has appointed an independent supervisory body to ensure that all company personnel observe the Code of Ethics, endowing it with the necessary tools.
The aim of the Chief Executive Officer is to develop an effective strategy to combat any behaviour that breaches the Code of Ethics and the principles guiding the company’s activities. The CEO, working closely with the company’s other top managers and with the supervisory body, must undertake every action to prevent possible breaches to the Code of Ethics. To this aim, managers and all personnel must be adequately trained on the basis of their individual tasks and duties.
An independent body appointed by the BoD. It is made up of three members possessing adequate professional know-how and skills and is responsible for supervising the application of the Code of Ethics and the fundamental principles which all company bodies and personnel must observe. It also performs investigative duties and can collect claims relative to breaches to the Code of Ethics; in doing so, it guarantees full anonymity, in strict accordance with the whistleblowing laws. The body reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer, sharing every action required for enforcing the regulations and the Code of Ethics.
- Giovanni Gasparini, owner and Chairman of the Renco Group S.p.A. holding.
- Giovanni Rubini, Chief Executive Officer of the Renco S.p.A. and Renco Valore S.p.A. operating sub-holdings.
The core principles and values guiding the Renco Group’s activities include loyalty, fairness, transparency, honesty and integrity in observing the national and foreign laws, regulations, binding requirements and international standards and guidelines. The Renco Code of Ethics inspires managers and employees to perform their duties consistently with the Group’s values and principles.