A wind farm in Calabria
Renco will build a wind farm in the province of Catanzaro: the investment will concern a plant with 21 MW nominal power and six wind turbines. The overall investment will amount to 32 million Euro. Renco will invest 40% of the sum and will directly build the wind farm in Salinella.

key info

In detail
Considering an average annual production of 34.4 GWh for the wind farm, the annual savings of CO2 tonnes amount to roughly 20.000. We calculated an average of 600 g of CO2 for each KWh produced.

Focus on the details
The project was developed by Renco after obtaining all relevant authorisations for constructing the turbines and the energy transport facility, where six turbines each producing 3.6 MW will be installed. The 32 million Euro investment was shared with Ascopiave, a company listed on the stock exchange. The Veneto-based multi-utility company will finance 60% and the remaining 40% will come from Renco.

The actual turbine is supplied by Vestas, the towers are 87-117 metres high and the blades measure 63 metres. The executive design of the wind farm started in January 2022. The preparatory works at the site (resurfacing of the municipal roads) started in July 2022, while the actual works involving the wind farm are due to start in November 2022 and will be completed by the end of 2023, with the production of electricity.